Category: Cotton

  • Kotki Saree of Orissa: A Traditional Handloom Saree

    Kotki Saree of Orissa: A Traditional Handloom Saree

    Kotki Saree of Orissa is one of traditional handloom saree orginated from India. It is an essential part of the cultural heritage of the state and has a unique identity due to its design and weaving pattern. The saree is named after the Kotki village in the Cuttack district of Orissa, where it originated. Kotki… Read more

  • The Entry of Khadi into Fashion Scene Today

    The Entry of Khadi into Fashion Scene Today

    Khadi is often dubbed the national fabric of India. As a material, khadi upholds the rich textile heritage of India and continues to grow bigger and more all-encompassing with each passing day. Leading fashion shows across the nation have been incorporating khadi in all its conventional elegance with a contemporary twist. In fact, khadi cotton sarees… Read more

  • The Most Famous and Loved Sarees of Odisha

    The Most Famous and Loved Sarees of Odisha

    Odisha has also been very rich in its textile and craftsmanship. Not just that, textile has also been their major industry, and the state contains thousands of weavers and craftspeople. The whole world admires all the handicrafts from this place as the whole work is complicated, and the delicate finish is hard to replicate. So,… Read more

  • How Is a Kotki Saree Different from a Sambalpuri Saree?

    How Is a Kotki Saree Different from a Sambalpuri Saree?

    Kotki sarees and Sambalpuri sarees are incredibly popular varieties of regional sarees in India. Many desi influencers have sung praises of Sambalpuri and Kotki sarees online so we figured we should do a blog post talking about the two. While both, Kotki and Sambalpuri originate from the land of Orissa, there are certain, clearly identifiable differences between… Read more