Category: Silk Saree

  • Maheshwari Silk Saree- Regality with Every Wear

    Maheshwari Silk Saree- Regality with Every Wear

    A saree may be a piece of cloth to many, but it is a sign of emotion for many people. This 9-yard piece of fabric provides enormous significance to millions of people living in India. The experts from various states customize the fabric in different ways such as many artists using different types of silk-like… Read more

  • 5 Silk Sarees That Have Captured the Hearts of Indian Women

    5 Silk Sarees That Have Captured the Hearts of Indian Women

    Fun fact – A silk yarn is equally strong as a comparable steel yarn. Never would have imagined soft silk to have the strength of metal, would you? The story of silk is riddled with surprises and cloaked in grandiose and richness. Silk sarees hold a special place in the heart of a woman. From… Read more